Tsukamoto Fuzzy Implemention In Determining The Amount of rice Procurement In Huler Khaidir Nanda Using The PHP Programming Language and MySQL Database
Implementasi Fuzzy Tsukamoto dalam Menentukan Jumlah Pengadaan Padi pada Huler Khaidir Nanda Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan Database MySQL
Information System, Tsukamoto Fuzzy, Decision Support System, PHP, MySQLAbstract
The procurement of rice at Huler is an important aspect of the rice production process. Determining the right amount of rice procurement can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of rice production in Huler. By using the Fuzzy Tsukomoto method to estimate the number of requests and the amount of rice procurement for rice processing by taking into account the number of requests and the amount of supply, it is expected to help Huler Khaidir Nanda in increasing his productivity. Tsukamoto's Fuzzy Method has been proven effective in dealing with complex problems by considering several factors simultaneously. The result of this study is that the implementation of Fuzzy Tsukamoto in determining the amount of rice procurement at Huler using the programming language and MySQL database is the right step and following the problems found in Huler. The implications of this research for Huler, it is hoped that the Tsukamoto Fuzzy Method can help in dealing with the uncertainty and complexity of data in the decision-making process, especially when many variables affect the final result. By using this method, Huler Khaidir Nanda can optimize the amount of rice procurement based on different factors, such as market demand, rice prices, and supply availability.
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