
  • Mohd Najib Hamdan Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti
  • Anuar Hassan Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti


animation, emotion, courseware, talking head, realism levels


This study aims to evaluate the influence of emotion with different levels of realism of
animated talking-heads on student pronunciation learning. Emotional evaluation was made after
students completed their learning based on courseware provided to them. Four animated
talking-head courseware with various levels of realism were developed and tested. These
models composed of unrealistic 3D (3D-NR) , realistic 3D (3D-R), 2D animated (2d) and real
human (HUMAN) talking-head. A total of 150 students in a Semester 1 course for a Certificate
in Creative Multimedia Animation at four Community Colleges were sampled for the study.
overall, test scores of descriptive, linear regression and multiple linear regression analysis was
used to answer the research questions. The results have shown that emotion is significant as a
partial mediator in influencing student pronunciation learning based on realism levels of
animated talking head.


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